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200 hour Hatha Vinyasa Yoga training course online

Jan 15 to March 13

150 hours online 50 hours in presence

The Kalena courses of 2021 were presented as entirely online courses, and although this new modality temporarily permitted by Yoga Alliance seemed to us full of limits, both paths were perceived and experienced in a profound and intense way by all the students.


In a very fluid and natural way, the training group's need was created to want to meet live before the path ended. And so it was, completing the course even more with a face-to-face meeting.


So for this first course of 2022 we have decided to propose an online path including a last week of attendance, with 3 of the 5 teachers, to deepen the parts of the training in which visual and energetic contact and the sharing of spaces are important. to learn how to teach even with live people.


What are the advantages of online?

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The advantage of online is certainly the fact that the course is diluted over time and therefore the practitioner has more time to metabolize knowledge, information and deepen the practice without subjecting his body to an intense physical training in presence, but obviously denies. the presence in person, the human contact, and all the adjustments, singing and vibrating together in the same room, this is why this path will have the flexibility of online but also the unique possibility of presence. 

Kalena has proposed two entirely online courses proposing a path inside yourself and the certification of Yoga Teacher with International Yoga Alliance.


We will soon indicate the new online training course, presumably beginning 2022.  


The advantage of online is certainly the fact that the course is diluted over time and therefore the practitioner has more time to metabolize knowledge, information and deepen the practice without subjecting his body to intense physical training in presence, but obviously denies. the presence in person, the human contact, and the whole part of the adjustments, of singing and vibrating together in the same room.  


Nonetheless, it was a wonderful experience that brought together people who were distant but who even just through a computer screen entered each other's life.


This is why Kalena has decided to give Yoga classes online, as physical distances are not enough to divide the integrating strength of yoga.


The course includes about 50 hours of recorded video, practice and theory and 150 hours live, distributed in intensive courses on weekends or evening appointments, always using the zoom platform. The manual will arrive at your home in paper form.  


Consult this page to stay informed of any other online courses!

Although not completely in attendance, the course is structured to permanently enter the everyday life of those who decide to attend it to improve their physical practice of the discipline, acquire techniques of meditation, breathing, awareness, emotional and physical cleansing to trigger a transformation complete with the various aspects  of the individual through all the tools of yoga.

  To this end, it is essential, also for teaching purposes, to build a solid routine of daily yogic practices (sadhana) which, week after week, can evolve and will allow the trainee to experience the effects of yoga on himself in order to be able to teach at the same level. professional the techniques to their students. 

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Il corso prevede


  • Lezioni pratiche di Asana Pranayama e Meditazione

  • Lezioni "teoriche" di Asana Pranayama e altre tecniche yogiche 

  • Lezioni di Anatomia e Fisiologia

  • Lezioni di Storia e Filosofia dello yoga

  • Lezioni di metodologia e sviluppo professionale dello Yoga 

  • Introduzione allo yoga Nidra, Yin, Ashtanga, Viniyoga Yoga Prenatal

  • Circa 45 ore di video registrati (da guardare ognuno nei suoi tempi ma durante il periodo del corso) 

  • Circa 100 ore di lezioni on line dal vivo in 6 weekend 

  • 1 weekend iniziale a Cittadella (Pd)  con pratica e workshop

  • 5 giorni a Ibiza in una villa tra lezioni attività extra e esami finali 

  • Manuale di Kalena Yoga 

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The teachers of the course 


Elena  Albanian 

Lead Teacher  

Teaches  Practice and Theory of Yogic Techniques, Anatomy, Physiology, Energies and Subtle Bodies Methodology and Professional Development 

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Alida  Maugeri

ERYT 500, amante dello yoga nella sua interezza e specializzata in Hatha e Yin 

Ha fondato Kamla Yoga dopo aver trascorso vari anni in India.

Insegna il modulo di Yin Yoga con focus sulla corretta comprensione della differenza tra una pratica Yang e Yin, accenni alla nozione di fascia e la teoria dei meridiani cinesi.

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Alberto Secco

Insegna Vinyasa Yoga, fondendo le caratteristiche dello yoga dinamico, con l’attenzione al respiro e alla  gradualità tipica del Viniyoga
Insegna in questo corso anche lo Yoga Sutra e etica dello yoga

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Carolina Dina

Ashtanga Teacher 

Insegna Pratica, Teoria, tecniche in insegnamento dell'Ashtanga Vinyasa, e e le 8 membra dello yoga attraverso la conoscenza sia del metodo tradizionale che dell'approccio somatico contemporaneo.

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Francesco Scalco Bonaldo 

Insegnante di Nada Yoga, lo yoga del suono,  Hatha Yoga,  Kundalini, e sound healer, esperta in shamanesimo, reikii e armonizzazione energetica, vive e insegna ad Ibiza, 

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