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It is always the right time to start the journey inside

Be present in the here and now .......

.. .breathe ...

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It is always the right time to start the journey within yourself

Kalena Yoga has born to bring Yoga, its philosophy and ancient practice, directly into everyone's life.

Through the integrated awareness of body, mind and spirit, it is possible to reach the heart of each of us, helping each other to evolve into the best version of ourselves, starting from the unique abilities that everyone has within themselves.

Kalena Yoga was born in 2019 as Kalena Yoga School , an international project that offers a 200-hour training course certified with Yoga Alliance International to deepen the practical and theoretical issues related to Yoga, giving the tools to teach face to face or online, but above all for embark on a journey into the deep self, the eternal and most authentic part of every being.


  Kalena's ambitious mission is to spread Yoga to all those who begin to awaken their conscience, ask themselves questions, seek a meaning that connects and integrates reality with the truth we feel within. us. That is why from 2021 Kalena offers also online yoga classes for anyone who wants to improve the practice, thanks to our teachers who passionately bring yoga into everyday life, on and off the mat.  


If you too are in your "awakening" process, you already practice and want to deepen your practice on a deeper level, what are you waiting for?

Breathe-in courage, breathe-out your fears and start the journey inside yourself, join our yoga family by practicing with us or by participating in our courses!

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